Majority News Releases

February 2024
Murray Remarks Ahead of Senate Vote to Avert Shutdown
Schumer, McConnell, Johnson, Jeffries, Murray, Collins, Granger, DeLauro Joint Statement On FY24 Appropriations Agreement
Murray Floor Remarks on FY24 Funding and Preventing a Needless Shutdown
Senator Murray Details Harms of a Needless & Costly Shutdown as She Pushes to Get Final Funding Bills Across Finish Line
Murray Statement on Senate Passage of National Security Supplemental
Murray Remarks Ahead of Final Procedural Votes on Supplemental
Murray Remarks in Support of National Security Supplemental and Opposition to Effort to Table It
Murray Remarks Ahead of Motion to Proceed to National Security Supplemental
Murray Remarks on Senate Voting to Advance National Security Supplemental
Murray on Senate Republicans Voting Down Comprehensive Supplemental: They Will Be “Telling the World American Leadership Has Been Hollowed Out by Republican Obstruction”
With Republicans Planning to Block Bipartisan Supplemental with Border Policy Changes They Demanded, Murray Releases Supplemental without Border Provisions
Murray Floor Remarks on National Security Supplemental and Bipartisan Border Compromise
Murray Remarks on Bipartisan National Security Supplemental
Murray Releases Text of Bipartisan National Security Supplemental
January 2024
Senator Murray Remarks as Senate Advances CR in 77-18 Vote
Murray Remarks on Averting Shutdown, Passing National Security Supplemental
Murray Releases Text of Continuing Resolution
Murray Remarks on Next Steps in Passing Full-Year Appropriations Bills
Senator Murray on Framework Appropriations Agreement
December 2023
Senator Murray on Record 12% Increase in Homelessness Reported This Year: “No Time to Talk About Slashing Our Investments in Tackling This Crisis”
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