Majority News Releases

September 2019
Statement Vice Chairman Leahy On Consideration Of The Fiscal Year 2020 Agriculture, THUD, And FSGG Appropriations Bills
SUMMARY: FY2020 T-HUD Appropriations Bill Advanced by Senate Committee
Statement Of Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) On Introduction Of The Two-Month Continuing Resolution
Statement of Vice Chairman Leahy (D-Vt.) Opposing the Motion to Proceed to H.R. 2470
SUMMARY: FY 2020 Senate Agriculture Appropriations Bill
SUMMARY: FY 2020 FSGG Appropriations Bill
SUMMARY: Energy and Water Development FY 2020 Appropriations Bill
SUMMARY: Subcommittee Approves FY2020 Transportation, HUD Appropriations Bill
Senate Republicans Reject Investing In American Communities In Favor Of Trump’s Ineffective Vanity Wall
Republicans Reject Amendment Preventing President Trump From Stealing From The Military And Military Families To Pay For Ineffective Border Wall
SUMMARY: Senate Appropriations Committee FY2020 Defense Funding Bill
Statement Of Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), On 302(b) Allocations, the FY 2020 Energy & Water Appropriations Bill, and the FY 2020 Defense Appropriations Bill
Vice Chairman Leahy Floor Address On President Trump Raiding Military Dollars For The Wall, And On The Assault Of Congress's Constitutional Powers Of The Purse
SUMMARY: Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Advances FY2020 Bill
What is the Cost Of President Trump’s Wall?
NEWS: Schatz, Leahy, Durbin Statement On DoD Plan To Defund Military Projects To Pay For Trump Wall
Leahy, Durbin, Schatz REAX To President Trump Robbing From The Military To Pay For His Vanity Wall
August 2019
REAX of Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) On Senate Passage Of The Bipartisan Budget Agreement
July 2019
REAX of Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) To the Bipartisan Budget Agreement Reached Between Congress and The President
Leahy, Feinstein, Durbin: ICE Should Not Separate Families During Upcoming ICE Raids
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