Minority News Releases
Appropriations Vice Chairman Leahy REAX To Third Emergency Supplemental Request --
[WASHINGTON (FRIDAY, Nov. 17, 2017) -- Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Friday issued the following statement on the Trump Administration's emergency supplemental request, totaling $44 billion, to address recent natural disasters. Earlier this month, Leahy and Senator Schumer led a letter outlining what Senate Democrats believe should be contained in the supplemental request.] The Trump Administration's request does not come close to meeting the needs of vic… Continue Reading
Appropriations Vice Chairman Leahy Statement At Hearing On VA Efforts To Prevent And Combat Opioid Over Medication
The opioid epidemic has reached every state - every community - in the country. It is impacting sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, friends and coworkers. And it is impacting our veterans and servicemembers. We have for over 16 years of war asked members of the active and reserve components to serve an unprecedented numbers of deployments, leaving too many veterans broken and in pain. When we needed these brave men and women to return to battle, it was too easy to prescribe opioids for … Continue Reading
Schumer, Leahy Lead Senate Democrats In Calling For Comprehensive Disaster Relief
WASHINGTON (Monday, Nov. 6, 2017) - Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) and Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Monday lead Senate Democrats in calling on the Trump administration to put forward a comprehensive package to provide relief from the onslaught of natural disasters in recent months. The administration has committed to releasing such a package in the coming weeks. In a letter to Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, Senat… Continue Reading
Vice Chairman Leahy's Statement On the President’s Announcement On The Opioid Epidemic
It is far past time for the administration to acknowledge that the opioid crisis is a national emergency that affects every community across the country. This is a scourge that does not discriminate between rich and poor, or Republicans and Democrats, or urban areas and rural ones. But the President's talk is just that - talk. There is no action or new funding behind the President's empty words to address this crisis. This is not acceptable. The Republicans voted TODAY in the House of Repre… Continue Reading
A Reality Check On The President's Opioid AnnouncementWhite House's Tough Talk On The Opioid Crisis Crumbles As New 'Plan' Offers No New Resources, While Congressional Republicans Act To Slash Medicaid By $1 Trillion President Trump's long awaited declaration on the nationwide opioids crisis is nothing more than symbolic talk. There is no action or new funding behind the President's empty words to address this crisis. This is unacceptable. It is far past time for the administration to ackno… Continue Reading
Senate Passes Second Emergency Disaster Supplemental
WASHINGTON (Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2017) - The Senate Tuesday passed a second emergency funding measure to support recovery efforts from recent disasters by a vote of 82 to 17. The $36.5 billion emergency supplemental contains $18.7 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Disaster Relief Fund, $16 billion for National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) debt forgiveness, $1.27 billion for nutrition assistance for Puerto Rico, and $576.5 million to combat wildfires. The Trump admin… Continue Reading
SUMMARY: Disaster Supplemental Appropriations
In response to recent natural disasters that have depleted emergency resources, the Disaster Supplemental contains $36.5 billion in emergency appropriations to support relief efforts from the recent hurricanes, wildfires and other natural disasters. The supplemental previously passed the House by a vote of 353-69. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Vice Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, said: "I support this bill and urge my colleagues to do the same. If we do not act, the Disaster… Continue Reading
Statement Of Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Vice Chairman Of The Senate Appropriations Committee On Emergency Supplemental Appropriations For Recent Disasters
No one in this chamber is immune from disaster. Six years ago, Marcelle and I watched with great alarm as communities around Vermont felt the devastating impact of Tropical Storm Irene. That storm washed away entire communities in our state, tearing down homes, local landmarks and bridges alike. Republicans and Democrats in the Senate, from across the country, stood by Vermont's side then to help us rebuild. Because that is who we are as Americans. We lift each other up in times of disaste… Continue Reading
Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Meets With Governor Of Puerto Rico Ahead Of Senate Consideration Of Emergency Funding
WASHINGTON (Friday, Oct. 20, 2017) - Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) late Thursday met with the Governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rosselló, ahead of Senate consideration of emergency supplemental appropriations to respond to recent natural disasters. Leahy said: "As a Vermonter, a Senator and the Vice Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I assured Governor Rosselló that we stand with the people of Puerto Rico. The path to recovery … Continue Reading
Leahy Statement On Disaster Supplemental
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Vice Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Thursday released the following statement on the U.S. House of Representatives passage of emergency supplemental appropriations to respond to recent natural disasters: "The House has taken an important step in providing relief to millions of United States citizens from recent disasters. But this is just a step. From the wildfires burning in California to the storms that crashed against Puerto Rico, 12 major d… Continue Reading
Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Statement On Second Disaster Supplemental Request
[Senate Appropriations Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Thursday released a statement on the Trump administration's request for new emergency supplemental funding to address recent natural disasters. The request totals $29.4 billion for emergency disaster relief, flood insurance assistance, and to replenish federal firefighting accounts.] "I am glad the administration is taking the next step in providing relief to those affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, and the wildfires that h… Continue Reading
Statement of Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) On The Devastation To Puerto Rico And The U.S. Virgin Islands
After Tropical Storm Irene tore through Vermont, people from across the country, Republicans and Democrats, stood by our side to help rebuild. Today, Marcelle and I stand with the people of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, which have been decimated from the double blow of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, and the victims of Hurricanes Irma and Harvey. President Trump must act quickly to put the full force of the United States government behind recovery efforts on the islands using the $15 bil… Continue Reading
Appropriations Vice Chairman Leahy Statement On The House Passage Of An Omnibus Appropriations Bill
What the House passed today does not bring us any closer to responsibly funding the government, and it will not pass the Senate. It wastes billions of taxpayer dollars on a useless border wall, which the President promised that Mexico would pay for, and contains poison-pill riders that have no place in the appropriations process. Its proposed increase for defense spending is a lie to the American people that would shatter the budget caps set in place by the Budget Control Act. This would dire… Continue Reading
Leahy Supports, And Senate Passes, Emergency Relief For Victims Of Hurricane Harvey
WASHINGTON (THURSDAY, Sept. 7, 2016) - The Senate Thursday passed an emergency funding measure to provide relief for the victims of Hurricane Harvey, by a vote of 80-17. The measure was approved just a day before the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has warned that disaster relief funds would be exhausted. The package also raised the debt ceiling and funded the government through Dec. 8, staving off another Washington-manufactured crisis. Appropriations Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (… Continue Reading
SUMMARY: Senate Committee Approves FY2018 Labor, HHS Appropriations Bill
Washington, D.C. (Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017) - The fiscal year 2018 Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) Appropriations bill provides a total of $166 billion. This figure includes $164.1 billion in discretionary funding as well as $1.896 billion in cap adjustment funding to prevent waste, fraud, abuse and improper payments in the Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security programs. U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Ranking Member of the Depa… Continue Reading
SUMMARY: FY2018 SFOPS Appropriations Bill Clears Committee
WASHINGTON (Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2017) - The bill provides $51.195 billion in discretionary budget authority, including $20.785 billion in Overseas Contingency Operations. The allocation is $10.7 billion above the President's request as scored by CBO, but it is $1.9 billion below the fiscal year 2017 enacted level when factoring in fiscal year 2017 funding for famine relief but not the Security Assistance Appropriations Act, 2017. U.S. Senator Leahy Ranking Member (D-Vt.), Ranking Member of th… Continue Reading
SUMMARY: FY2018 State & Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill Clears Senate Subcommittee
WASHINGTON (Wednesday, September 6, 2017) - The bill provides $51.195 billion in discretionary budget authority, including $20.785 billion in Overseas Contingency Operations. The allocation is $10.7 billion above the President's request as scored by CBO, but it is $1.9 billion below the fiscal year 2017 enacted level when factoring in fiscal year 2017 funding for famine relief but not the Security Assistance Appropriations Act, 2017. U.S. Senator Leahy Ranking Member (D-Vt.), Ranking Member o… Continue Reading
Leahy Statement On Harvey Disaster Relief Supplemental
[WASHINGTON (Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017) - The U.S. House of Representatives Wednesday, by a vote of 419 to 3, approved $7.4 billion in appropriations for FEMA and $450 million for the Small Business Administration to support continued disaster relief following the destruction caused by Hurricane Harvey. The bill now moves to the Senate where Senate Appropriations Vice Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) will play a key role in passing it through the chamber.] Marcelle and I have held the people of … Continue Reading
SUMMARY: FY2018 Labor, HHS Appropriations Bill Clears Subcommittee
Washington, D.C. (Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017) - The fiscal year 2018 Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) Appropriations bill provides a total of $166 billion. This figure includes $164.1 billion in discretionary funding as well as $1.896 billion in cap adjustment funding to prevent waste, fraud, abuse and improper payments in the Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security programs. U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Ranking Member of the Dep… Continue Reading
Leahy REAX To Trump Threat To Shut Down Government
(WEDNESDAY, Aug. 23, 2017) - Vice Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Wednesday issued the following statement on President Trump's threat to shut down the government if Congress does not agree to forcing American taxpayers to fund a border wall: This is not President Trump's first threat to shut down the United States government over his foolish, costly and useless wall, wasting tens of billions in U.S. taxpayer dollars. A wall the President promised that Mex… Continue Reading