June 2015 |
Senate Appropriations Committee Advances FY2016 Labor, HHS, Education Bill
FY2016 Transportation, HUD Appropriations Bill Approved by Senate Committee
Senate Subcommittee Sets Priorities, Approves FY2016 Labor, HHS, Education Appropriations Bill
Appropriations Subcommittee Approves FY2016 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Bill
Boozman Opening Statement on OPM Technology Spending and Data Security Appropriations Hearing
Senate Committee on Appropriations Schedule for June 25, 2015
Senate Committee on Appropriations Schedule for the Week of June 22, 2015
Committee Advances FY2016 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill for Senate Debate
FY2016 Interior, Environment Appropriations Bill Approved by Senate Committee
Cochran Statement on Democratic Filibuster of Funding for Men & Women in Uniform
Senate Subcommittee Approves FY2016 Interior, Environment Appropriations Bill
FY2016 Homeland Security Appropriations Bill Gains Subcommittee Approval
Committee Schedule for the Week of June 15, 2015
FY2016 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill Approved by Senate Committee
Committee Advances FY2016 Commerce, Justice & Science Appropriations Bill
FY2016 Defense Appropriations Bill Cleared for Senate Consideration
Subcommittee Approves FY2016 Commerce, Justice & Science Appropriations Bill
Shelby Opening Statement on FY2016 Commerce, Justice & Science Appropriations Bill
FY2016 Defense Appropriations Bill Cleared by Senate Subcommittee
Senate Appropriations Schedule for the Week of June 8, 2015