FY 2025 Appropriations Requests and Congressionally Directed Spending

For the fiscal year 2025 appropriations cycle, the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations has accepted requests from Senators reflecting their federal funding priorities. This is an important way that Senators can advocate for programs and projects important to our nation as well as their states and local communities.


General guidance for fiscal year 2025 appropriations requests is available HERE.


In addition to programmatic and language requests, the Committee again, on a bipartisan basis, accepted requests for Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) items. CDS items can promote economic development, infrastructure, public safety, education, health care initiatives, and other worthy investments in communities across the country.  


In accordance with Rule XLIV of the Standing Rules of the Senate, Senators who submit requests for CDS must certify that neither they nor their immediate family members have any financial interest in the item(s) requested. To further enhance transparency and accountability, Chair Murray and Vice Chair Collins require Senators who submit CDS requests to publish those requests on their official websites, along with the certification mentioned above.


The Committee carefully reviews all CDS requests made by Senators. Only those CDS requests that meet the requirements above and are deemed appropriate for federal support will be considered for funding.


FY 2025 Congressionally Directed Spending

FY 2024 Congressionally Directed Spending

FY 2023 Congressionally Directed Spending

FY 2022 Congressionally Directed Spending