
Senate Democratic Appropriations Chief Spokesman’s Comment On The Latest Republican Disaster Offer

“Over the weekend, Senate Republicans made an offer that did not provide a single cent in new funding to help the American citizens of Puerto Rico rebuild their communities.  To call this a ‘compromise offer’ is not constructive at best.  To say Senate Democrats are exacting ‘pay back’ for votes against Hurricane Sandy relief is a ludicrous effort to shift responsibility for this stalemate.  The issue has been, and the issue remains, providing relief to ALL Americans suffering from recent natural disasters, in all states and in all regions. 

“The fact is that Senate Republicans rejected a Leahy amendment on April 1 that would have extended aid to communities affected by 2019 disasters.  On April 4, Senate Republicans blocked the Leahy-Schumer amendment that would have addressed the needs of all American communities, including Georgia, and, going further, would have provided $2.5 billion in new disaster funding for communities in the Southeast and Midwest. 

“It is clear that Senate Republicans are trying to deflect attention away from the fact that, at the bidding of the President, they are holding aid to all American communities hostage over a petty, political grudge with the American citizens of Puerto Rico.”

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CONTACT: Jay Tilton – 202-224-2667