May 2014 |
FY15 MilCon/VA Subcommittee Markup Bill Summary
Appropriations Committee Schedule for the Week of May 19, 2014
Appropriations Committee Schedule for the Week of May 12, 2014
Chairwoman Mikulski Opening Statement: Federal Information Technology Investments Hearing
Chairwoman Mikulski Opening Statement: Department of Health & Human Services FY 2015 Oversight and Budget Hearing
Chairwoman Mikulski Opening Statement: NASA Fiscal Year 2015 Oversight and Budget Hearing
Appropriations Committee Schedule for the Week of May 5, 2014
April 2014 |
Chairwoman Mikulski Remarks at Federal Innovation Hearing
Appropriations Committee Schedule for the Week of April 28, 2014
Chairwoman Mikulski Welcomes Nomination of Sylvia Burwell to Serve as HHS Secretary
Chairwoman Mikulski Encourages Secretary Pritzker to Keep the Economy Rolling
Chairwoman Mikulski Focused On Ensuring American Troops & Their Families Have Reliable Access To Best Health Care Programs
Mikulski Calls for Adequate Funding to Enforce International Sanctions and Advance our Nation's Foreign Policy & National Security Goals
Chairwoman Mikulski Spotlights Community Safety, National Security, and Accountability at FY15 DOJ Budget Hearing
Chairwoman Mikulski Focuses on Need to Provide Robust & Reliable Federal Investment in Medical Innovation
Appropriations Committee Schedule for the Week of April 7, 2014
March 2014 |
Hearing Schedule for the Week of March 31, 2014
Schedule for the Week of March 24th
Chairwoman Mikulski Statement at FBI Budget Hearing