
Shelby, McConnell Introduce Continuing Resolution

Measure Includes Disaster Aid, Afghan Assistance, Iron Dome Funding

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) today introduced S.2789, a continuing resolution (CR) to maintain government operations through December 3, 2021.  The legislation also includes resources for disaster aid and assistance for Afghan allies, as well as funding for the Iron Dome that will bolster Israel’s defense capacity and protect against Hamas attacks.


“I am pleased to introduce a package with Leader McConnell that would extend government funding, provide much-needed disaster relief, and deliver targeted Afghan assistance.  Republicans and Democrats have undergone bipartisan, bicameral negotiations for weeks to keep the government open and provide emergency aid.  This bill reflects those urgent priorities.  Importantly, our legislation includes funding for the Iron Dome, making good on our commitment to a historic and significant ally, and removes the Democrats’ ill-conceived language on the debt limit.  Members on both sides of the aisle can support this measure, and I urge them to do so with haste,” stated Vice Chairman Shelby.



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